Kashful Asrar By Khomeini Pdf Creator

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Full text of ' ANIAN REVOLUTION MANZOOR A, NOMANI wwyv,jmi Table of Contents 01. The nature of Iranian Revolution and its Foundation 04. Khomeini in the light of his own books 05. Holy Companions ( First Two Caliphs ) 06. Kashf-ul-Israr 07.

Shia'ite Faith defined 08. Isna-e-Ashariyya and the Doctrine of Imamate 09. The Quran, The Imamate and the Imams Shia'ite View point 10. Like the apostles, the Imams, too were Nominated by God 1 1. The Absent Imam 12. The incident of Ghadir-e-Khum and thereafter 13.

Kashful Asrar By Khomeini Pdf Creator 2

Some other views and precepts about Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a) and Hazrat Omar (r.a) Satan was the first to pledge fealty to Abu Bakr (r.a) www.jmmpak.org Forward In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful, the One and Unique. All praise to God and salutations and blessing upon His Prophet (s.a.w.w). What was the first and exemplary period of Islam like? What were the practical results of the training and guidance imparted and bestowed by the greatest and the last Prophet of God? What was the life and character of the people who had received guidance and instruction directly at his hands? Was it, in any way, different from that of the founders of national, racial or family kingdom, sand of the seekers of power and authority? What was the Prophet's conduct in relation to his family and what was the attitude of the family members towards benefiting from this great and holy personality? The bell bandit reading level.

What was the conduct and attitude of the members of his household in acting upon and putting into practice the call of faith and the declaration of truth and earnest endeavour? What were the mutual relations amongst the earliest Muslims who were trained by him including his Companions called Shaba and family members called Ahle-Bait? What was the conduct of his immediate successors in the light of reliable history who held the reins of government I n this exemplary period and who go by the name of Khulafa-I-Rashideen, the rightly-guided Caliphs, in their personal lives as, also, in relation to other men in the vast territories over which they ruled, in spite of the boundless powers and scope for gain and luxury they commanded? What was the position regarding the protection and preservation of the Holy Book upon which the entire religion was based? The answers that have been given to these questions present two entirely contradictory pictures. One picture is that which comes to view in the light of the beliefs of Ahle Sunnat. The other is presented by the beliefs, statements, expositions of religion, explanations and interpretations of history of Islam as held and given by the Shi'ite sect called Imamiyya Isna Ashariyya.


There is no resemblance or conformity between the two. Anyone who has been bestowed with commonsense by God, and possess a sense of justice and a knowledge of history, can easily judge which of the two pictures can be correct.

The only picture that can befit and be acceptable for a faith which has been sent down as a blessing and guidance for the whole mankind, and claims that it can be followed in every age with best of results and which claims that the Prophet who brought it attained the largest measure of success among all the Divine messengers and his period of Apostleship was the brightest and most blessed in the history of religions is the one presented by the Ahle Sunnat. It cannot be the picture of persons living in extravagant luxury and self indulgence, fighting wars for personal or national ends and using the power, thus, acquired for their own gain and of their associates. In this epoch not only individuals were reformed but a whole society and civilization, a system of government, a code of life, values, and principles, and a pattern of general guidance and welfare of mankind were laid down.

Kashful Asrar By Khomeini Pdf Creator 1

Kashful Asrar By Khomeini Pdf Creator

It was a vivid representation of a remark once made by Caliph www.jmmpak.org Umar bin Abdul Aziz: 'Mohammad (peace be upon him) had been sent as a guide and preceptor and not as a collector of taxes. '1 In contrast, the picture of the earliest period that comes to view in the light of statements and beliefs of the Imamiyya sect can make any sensible person justly question the very validity of Islam.