Download Video Clip Owl City Honey And The Bee

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My InterpretationThis is just a best guess for the song lyrics. 'Don't remind me That some days I'm the windshield And other days I'm just a lucky bug' -A statement that says the person talking doesn't want to be reminded that they are at times rigid and uncaring like a windshield and at other times carefree and lighthearted like a simple lucky bug.

  1. Download Video Clip Owl City Honey And The Bee Mp3

'These cold iron rails Leave old mossy trails Through the countryside' -The speaker is talking about life and the path it leaves behind using a train-rail metaphor. 'The crow and the beanfield Are my best friends, but boy I need a hug' -The speaker is likely feeling lonely as he has friends, but no one with whom to actually share an intimate moment with.

(Boy I need a hug) 'Cause my heart stops without you There's something about you That makes me feel alive' -Self explanatory love statement. 'If the green left the grass on the other side I would make like a tree and leave But if I reached for your hand, would your eyes get wide Who knew the other side could be so green' -Speaker states that if life was much better doing something else they would gladly take it and if the speaker took the other persons hand to bring them along then that change in their life would be even better.

'Don't remind me I'm a chickadee in love with the sky But that's clearly not a lot to crow about 'Cause when the stars silhouette me I'm scared they'll forget me and flicker out I taste honey but I haven't seen the hive Yeah, I didn't look, I didn't even try' - The speaker is stating that they are very carefree going through life, but is worried that if something drastically bad should go wrong they would have missed out on a serious relationship. They have 'tasted honey' likely a metaphor for having sex, but 'haven't seen the hive' they have yet to have a family, and the final statement of their lacking of attempting such a thing.

'We are honey and the bee' -A simple love statement similar to 'two peas in a pod' 'Backyard of butterflies surrounded me I fell in love with you like bees to honey Let's up and leave the weeping to the willow tree And pour our tears in the sea' -One of the more confusing lines of the song, but from my understanding it's the speaker stating that there are plenty of beutiful people around them, but there is a greater attraction between themselves and who they are singing to. Also that they should get rid of their emotional baggage and let other worry about all that. 'I swear There's a lot of vegetables out there That crop up for air Yeah, I never thought We were two peas in a pod To be suddenly bloomed And I knew that I'd always love you Oh, I'll always love you too' -Simple statement saying there are alot of people in this world and I didnt expect us to fall in love. General Comment'Don't remind me That some days I'm a windshield And other days I'm just a lucky bug' Not really sure on this.

Maybe some days go really well and others don't (getting hit by a windshield as a bug is a bad day). Or maybe some days he feels they almost “connect” (a lucky bug misses the windshield). “As cold iron rails leave Old mossy trails through the countryside” Beautiful imagery that makes me think of the cover of the album.

“The crow and the bean field Are my best friends but Boy, I need a hug (boy, I need a hug)” From the perspective of a bee, going through life happy with the world it lives in but missing something (boy I need a hug). “Cuz my heart stops without you There's something about you That makes me feel alive” Best line of the song I think, just straightforward and cute. “If the green left the grass on the other side (I would make like a tree and leave)” If you weren’t happy with your life or you were missing something, would you make an effort to find the “grass” on the other side? But if I reached for your hand Would your eyes get wide? (Who knew the other side could be so green?) Pretty straightforward for the first two lines.

Who knew how happy they could be together? “Don't remind me I'm a chickadee in love with the sky But that's clearly not a lot to crow about Cuz when the stars silhouette me I'm scared they'll forget me And flicker out” She’s in love with him like a chickadee loves the sky, a cute, simple, and innocent kind of love. But does he even notice her? Will she stay in love (the stars are the energy of love I think) with him and will he like her? “I taste honey but I haven't seen the hive Yeah I didn't look, I didn't even try” She feels like she’s so close to him and can taste the sweetness of love, but they aren’t quite together yet.

But still my heart stops without you There's something about you That makes me feel alive Another simple and cute line. “If the green left the grass on the other side (I would make like a tree and leave) But if I reached for your hand Would your eyes get wide? (Who knew the other side could be so green?)” See the explanation above. “We are honey and the bee” They go together and need each other like honey and bees. “Backyard of butterflies surrounded me I fell in love with you Like bees to honey” Falling in love with him feels as magical as being in a yard filled with butterflies.

She falls in love with him like the bees love honey, pretty obvious. “So let's up And leave the weeping to the willow tree And pour our tears in the sea” They want to forget their sadness and be happy together (love the imagery here). “I swear there's a lot of vegetables out there That crop up for air” I think this is just to be funny. It’s a random, unexpected line.

Download Video Clip Owl City Honey And The Bee

Download Video Clip Owl City Honey And The Bee Mp3

“Yeah I never thought We were two peas in a pod Until you suddenly bloomed Then I knew That I'd always love you (And I'd always love you too)” He never thought they would be together, but then he fell in love with her, and she fell in love with him. Anyways, that’s my interpretation. Probably about the sweetest and cutest song I’ve ever heard, can’t stop listening to it (or any other Owl City songs), and I’m a 21 year old straight male. Song MeaningWell this is my interpretation of the song and based on my thoughts and facts that have been collected considering I'm an Owl City creep; It's about a person who fell in love with someone but is scared about what they will say or think if he/she tells them how he/she feels. For example this is shown in: 'and if I reached for your hand would your eyes get wide' So I'll make a scenario now, Girl and boy are walking together down the street,.girl blabbing on as stereotypical girl does.

Boy.listening and laughing inputting little say.reaches for hand Girl:.stops blabbing and looks at boy. Boy. Girl: WTF ARE YOU DOING? Boy: uuh.runs away screaming like a lunatic Well maybe not exactly like that but yeah^ Anyways so the boy is scared about her feelings in case something maybe just a bit less dramatic like my scenario will happen. BUT, the truth is that she likes him back as when the female singer comes in after adam talking about how she's a chickadee in love with the sky, etc., all this figurative language too high for my intellectual capacity, she says, like Adam did, 'coz my heart stops without you, there's something about you that makes me feel alive' aaaaaaaaw, CUTE.

In the end it's a collaboration between the female and male as they say how they are honey and the bee because they finally are together now, I think the girl told her feelings to him first actually coz the boy seems very submissive and lonely. So it goes sequentially with the boy singing first with that cute line, then the girl singing and using that line then the end with both singing and the line 'we are honey and the bee'.

Yup, that's my interpretation, hope it helped with whatever whoever is reading this:) Annabelle.