Decrypt Portrait Innovations Pi2 Filespeedy

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Q: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 ( No Answer, ) Question Subject: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 Category: Asked by: 330xi-ga List Price: $2.00 Posted: 04 Jan 2006 20:57 PST Expires: 03 Feb 2006 20:57 PST Question ID: 429304 How do i open a.pi2 file for viewing. The file is from portrait innovations (a photographer) and I believe they are encrypted. This is not an atari format file.

  1. Decrypt Portrait Innovations Pi2 Filespeedy Pc
Decrypt portrait innovations pi2 filespeedy 2

Clarification of Question by 330xi-ga on 04 Jan 2006 20:59 PST The images I would like to open are images that I have purchased in printed format, thus I am entitled to their use. Request for Question Clarification by on 05 Jan 2006 07:03 PST Hello 330xi-ga, Have you tried using xnview? This software claims to be able to read and convert.pi2 files although without an example of one of these files I cannot confirm this.

Xnview can be downloaded from here: Let me know if this solves your problem. Palitoy-ga Clarification of Question by 330xi-ga on 05 Jan 2006 10:22 PST didnt work.

The file type that it opens is the atari format file. Answer There is no answer at this time. Comments Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: canadianhelper-ga on 05 Jan 2006 22:37 PST I have always relied on for esoteric extensions and they only mention pi2 with relation to the Atari (I used to love my 520ST).how do you KNOW it isn't an ATARI file? Perhaps is is a relatively common file type and Photographic Innovations (pi) merely put pi2 as an extenstion to make it 'appear' unreadable.have you tried changing it to all the normal suspects? Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: 330xi-ga on 06 Jan 2006 04:17 PST yes, i did try all the normal suspects, jpg, tif, gif, etc with no luck. Even tried it with no ext and opening with photoshop, ie, ms paint etc. I know this is not an atari based file since it is an image file that is hidden or encrypted within it.

Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: rowan619-ga on 12 Jan 2006 14:28 PST Because you purchased the prints, that does not mean you hold the copyright. The studio still holds the copyright to those photos. If you really were entitled to their use, you would have a copyright release form and a different version of the CD. You are able to print small photos at home (between 3.5x5 and wallets depending upon your printer and how much you crop) and post on the internet, email, use on desktop, but that is all. To do that you need to go into the folders that show up when you open the disk - I believe the folder name is 'pictures' but am not sure. I have never heard of anyone 'breaking' the encription code for the PI program - the entire system took several years to create from the ground up, therefore their program is the only one able to access the full-size images if you wish to purchase more images.

Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: canadianhelper-ga on 12 Jan 2006 18:07 PST rowan619. For further reference.what is the name of this 'ground up' program that saves files in.pi2 format for professional photographers? Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: rowan619-ga on 13 Jan 2006 10:47 PST It is Portrait Innovations Software - only for company use. Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: canadianhelper-ga on 13 Jan 2006 11:15 PST Thanks again rowan619-ga From the original question is sounded like the photographer himself had a company called that.not that that was the name of the software!! Question of clarification now then for 330xi. You state the following: The images I would like to open are images that I have purchased in printed format you bought the photos in printed did you get the disc?

Are you supposed to have these photo's in digital form? If yes, the photographer should have provided you with a viewing program. Is the photographer dead? Are you looking to find the photographer?

Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: 330xi-ga on 13 Jan 2006 11:22 PST I purchased the printed images from Portrait Innovations. They also supply you with a disc of low res images and the high res images are stored as pi2 files which apparently we cannot open. I was just trying to open the image to use as a desktop wallpaper since the low res images are too small. Thanks for the info everybody. Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: it2med-ga on 01 Apr 2006 08:05 PST It sounds like rowan619 works for Portrait Innovations.

If that's the case, do you know if PI uses proprietary sofware to create their PI2 files or are the using some tweaked version of an existing program? Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: emily24-ga on 30 Oct 2006 10:03 PST I am an employee of PI so I can answer your question. When you put the CD into your computer there should be two files: Images & Portrait Innovations Files. In the Images files are the low-res files that you can open on your computer. In the Portrait Innovations files are the image files that are encrypted. You cannot open these files on your computer. The only program that will open them is the program Portrait Innovatoins uses in their studio.

On the CD you recieve are all the pictures that were taken, including pictures you did not purchase. Even though you have purchased some of those pictures, PI still holds the copyright and will not allow you to open the high-res photos.

They do this so you will not take it somewhere else to get them developed. If you have gone to PI for the business package, they will give you a CD with the high-res files of ONLY the images you bought along with a copyright release form. This is the only way you can open the high-res images. Subject: Re: Opening Portrait Innovations file.pi2 From: macie1-ga on 08 Nov 2006 13:22 PST The only software that can open the high res images are company property, and is only accessable to studio associates, managers, corporate etc. Even though you purchased the printed sheets and got the low res disc, the images are still the companies property.

You should still probably be able to print off wallet sized pics although they may be a little fuzzy. I also have never heard of anyone breaking the encryption, and the company has been around since 00 or 01. Important Disclaimer: Answers and comments provided on Google Answers are general information, and are not intended to substitute for informed professional medical, psychiatric, psychological, tax, legal, investment, accounting, or other professional advice.

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Decrypt Portrait Innovations Pi2 Filespeedy Pc

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Drahken wrote:'Description: PI2 is the file extension for the Medium resolution picture file associated with Degas Elite. ' I seriously doubt it's degas pi2 format on your photos. As an former Atari geek I can tell you that the degas formats are far from being high res. Atari during the Degas Elite era had 3 resolutions: Low res: 320x200 with 16 colors (PI1) Medium res: 640x200 with 4 colors (PI2) High res: 640x400 mono (only black and white) (PI3) The Degas PIx format had no compression. That means we can look at the size of the picture (in bytes). All pictures should have the same size.

I can't remember the exact size of PI2. But with a rough calculation I get it's close to 32008 bytes. 640.200.2/8 = 32000 bytes. Plus 4 or 8 bytes depending on if the palette is 8bit or 16bit. If your pics would be degas PI2 you should have no problems reading it with XnView and then saving them to another format. I too have pictures from Portrait Innovations to convert to a high resolution jpg format.


I have a copyright release from them to get an enlargment since they do not offer that service in their shop. I'm waiting for a response from them, but in the meantime I would like to see if I could convert the.pi2 file myself. For those with a cd from Portrait Innovations, there should be another folder with lower resolution.jpg files so if you just want to view the pictures you should be able to do that without having software to open.pi2 files. I downloaded the XnView, but still cannot open pi2 files. When I downloaded the Konvertor I receive an error saying that it's not free and then it closes down on me.