Chronica Feudalism Pdf Free

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I did some more reading on one of the recommedations in my grand 'find a system' thread (Chronica Feudalis. I initially dismissed it as being too FATE-like and fixed on medieval, but the more I learn about the system, the more I like. Aspects are the only FATE-like bit and you don't have many of them. There are only 20 skills, covering four different types of (equally well-thought out) conflicts.

Its designed for relatively grounded games, and given I want a historical and totally non-fantastical/magical game, that's right up my street. Especially since I don't want the usual crunch-fest that seems to be assumed with historical games.

I want to run a game set in the Hellenistic era (circa 270BC), drawing heavily on Mithras' Warlords of Alexander (and Philos Basilikos (For clarity, the Hellenistic era isn't classical Greece, it's some two centuries later. This isn't Athens v Sparta and the Persian Wars; the defining conflicts are those of Alexander the Great and his successors, the Diadochi seeking to wrest control of his legacy from their rivals. From what I gather about CF, that does mean changing setting assumptions. Superficially, you might think they're similar. After all you have kings and kingdoms, nobles and courts, merchants and trade. But the feudal notions of a king tied to the land are absent here; kingship was as much about having enough personal gravitas and a following (particularly an army) as it was some claim to Alexander's legacy. Lords were often tribal leaders rather than simply landowners, and there were no powerful religious institutions with their own agendas.

I believe the base assumption in CF is that unless they denote otherwise in chargen, characters are Christian peasants. Would that be trivially easy to change it to free, (male) Greeks (in the wider cultural sense, rather than actually from Hellas)?

How competent are starting characters? I want PCs who are exceptional people with the potential to be like Demetrius Poliorcetes (or Kynna (not 'that phalangite in the third row'. Is it easy to increase their competence at the start? How focused do characters come out of chargen? Must they specialise in one of the sets of skills, or are they free to spread themselves out between them? How easy is it to rewrite/rework some of the Mentors? For example Monk isn't terribly relevant, but it might be reskinned as Pedagogue/Tutor, for example.

Chronica Feudalism Pdf Free Download

Is there a character sheet anywhere? Be curious to know whether anyone has done CF in other eras.

I saw something suggesting the author was intending to do as much, did any of those materialise? I just found the character sheet (for CF, which shows me the Skills. I could quite easily reduce the total from 24 to 20 as follows: Chase: Collapse Climb, Dash and Swim into a single Athletics.

Combat: Lose Parry, using Brawl or Strike instead for defense. Parley: Collapse Entice into Deceive. Subterfuge: Merge Hide and Sneak into a single Stealth. Then with the 20th slot, I think I'd make it a Wildcard that, if desired, can be used for something not represented, like a crafting Skill, or Philosophy for educated characters. Also extremely tempted to merge Hunt into Navigate for a more generalised Survival skill, but then I'd have another empty slot to fill if I was going for 5x4. That sounds like you're using the old character sheet.

Make sure you get the revised sheet from the downloads section of The skill list has already been reduced to 20 skills. Ah, is this (revised one? Curious, why get rid of Empathy out of the Parley list? That would seem a natural and useful skill to me. EDIT: Having perused the revision document (I'm less sure I need to do anything to the skills. The only thing that feels missing is rhetoric/oratory, and I guess that's covered in one of the Parley skills already.

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I'm guessing education is the preserve of an Aspect primarily, or simply the style of Parley a character might use. Has a revised edition come out already? I am glad my feeble attempt to put forward CF as an option for your game seems to have piqued your interest.

I have my CF book back now so I may be able to help with your questions. While a character is no superman they are better than the average Joe Phangite AKA Mook - they take one hit and only have 1 die type allocated to their skills ( a levy pikeman may have D4, an experienced pikeman D6 and one from an elite unit D8 for example) It is possible that the latter may well indeed have higher skills than a starting character but they have less capacity to take damage and cannot call on aspects to boost their die rolls.

Chronica Feudalism Pdf Free

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Creating non-feudal Mentors is very easy, you can look at some of the work I aws involved in with creating Norse backgrounds on the CF Yahoogroup (I think there is a link on Jeremy's website). I am busy at the moment but I will post later with some ideas.